Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Ramblings of an Ordinary Woman

Rambling Number 2 or Becoming the person you choose to be;

     To become the person you choose to be seems easy. Do what you want and therefore you will become the person you choose to be. Unfortunately, the thrill of the moment sometimes feels like it is the person you want to be. Can you live in those moments? Forever? It would be like living on a roller coast ride. So it seems that to become the person you choose to be, you must first to choose what "this person is to be." So how do you choose "this person to be?" Is it just living to you fullest potential, whatever the heck that means?

      I don't know about you, but I remember growing up with my parents and teachers yelling at me. "You are not living up to your fullest potential!" It's my potential, so why did they care? I know parents will be parents. Are you to choose to become "this person" who is your fullest potential? To me this is boring. This might be what a lot of people look for, search for, or work for. To me, working towards your potential you may lose balance. If this makes you happy, OK. This ain't for me. I could not choose to be that person. Also, what if your fullest potential is to become a bank robber. Just because, you could reach your fullest potential as a bank robber, is this the way to go? Maybe not.
      Balance and potential. Balance your life so your potential does not become the life. Remember the old saying, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy or a madman. (The Shining (1980)). But the opposite is also true. All play and no work leaves you hungry for the day and living in the streets. Life must be more just work. Life can be all play. Life falls somewhere in between. Your fullest potential may only be at what you play and not what can pay the bills. Or your fullest potential may be in your work, your career. But then what happens if family is left behind. If play is left behind. I could lead to a very short life. No play equals stress. Stress kills.
      So, now choose who you will become. This might not be what you become tomorrow. It will just be what you work towards every day. One day at a time. Consider balance, family, play, bills, money, what makes you happy, what tires you out and what makes a day truly worthwhile. And remember, your choice can always change or be redefined.



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